The Joy & Care-Giving Foundation, Inc. has partnered with In light of the above, the Foundation would deeply appreciate your patronage by using the website: , whenever you may wish to purchase anything from Amazon. For every purchase you make, Amazon will donate 0.5% of the total price of items you order. In turn, every donation that Amazon makes will support the Foundations's outreach program geared towards providing free education for children from poverty-strcken families.
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9/30/2010 Josie C. Garcia, founder of Joy & Care-Giving Foundation, a non-profit foundation, is looking for people interested in the education of the poor. They built schools and libraries in the Philippines and their vision is to continue building schools inexpensively and be a model for the entire nation. She and her friends left Florida to hopefully see Ms. Oprah on Monday, 10/4, to request Ms. Oprah to visit JCGF website to see that it is worth flashing on her screen asking for $1 annual donation from her viewers. She will also sign a no phone zone.